About Us

We are totally independent from all the political parties and we are self-funded. We all work as unpaid volunteers.
This is a community-led, grassroots effort.

If you live in this constituency, please sign up to support and take part in the process to elect a progressive MP in East Wiltshire.
We are sharing this primary model for free including a free website, logos, leaflet designs, training program etc. If you'd like to find out about emulating our primary model in your area, please sign up at our umbrella organisation -Political Primary Network.
james noble
"I have worked as a forester all my life, managing woodlands for a variety of clients and objectives. I also work as a woodworker, making one-off sustainable living spaces as well as teaching other people how to make them.  

Through my work with trees I have always been very aware of the short-termism of our political system. I feel it so often ignores the long term decisions that we need to take in order to properly sustain the natural environment that we all depend upon.  

My involvement with East Wiltshire Primary is hoping to help the process of introducing proportional representation to politics, demonstrating that people with different views and approaches can work together for the common good.

I have no previous experience in politics. Over the years I have voted for all the progressive parties hoping to find a way to have my voice heard. Living in rural England I feel as if my voice has never been heard.
Politics starts at home.”
"I’m passionate about enabling individuals, groups, and organisations to unlock their full potential in ways that make them feel lively, energised and activated. Through Coaching, Workshops, Activism and Rewilding, I'm keen to encourage movement beyond the limitations of mainstream culture to create more restorative and equitable futures.

Self-employed as a Business and Life Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Community Development Worker, and Nature Connection Guide, I draw on a diversity of previous experience in the University, Social Enterprise, Charity and Community Food Justice sectors.

Living in the beautiful Vale of Pewsey I enjoy walking, singing, live music, festivals and Salsa dancing as well as precious time with my three-year-old grandson.

Feeling disillusioned with the UK political landscape, I found renewed hope through the Primary Progressive Movement, leading me to join EWP and contribute to shaping positive change at a systemic level."
"Previously I worked for a US technology company for 35 years and I now work part-time in a shop in Marlborough. I’m married, have two sons and two (soon to be three) grandchildren and I live in the Vale of Pewsey.

I feel passionately that we need a change of government after so many years of zero achievement, broken promises and lurches to the right under the Tories; our country can be so much better than this in so many ways.

If we can unseat Danny Kruger here and elect a progressive MP then this can be a first step on the road to better politics nationally."