Ending Campaign

East Wiltshire is different from the other constituencies with Primaries.

Current poll predictions show Labour extending its already large lead over the other opposition parties.  Polls in other Primary constituencies show opposition more evenly spread between the progressive parties.

Primaries are designed to unite voters where support is fairly evenly distributed behind a number of progressive parties, but with East Wiltshire increasingly not consistent with this typical profile, we’ve talked to our supporters and the national Primary movement and are changing our approach.

We’re advocating that our supporters and everyone who wants Danny Kruger voted out follow the recommendation of tactical voting sites such as StopTheTories.vote.  They will be giving clear advice when the election is called.

As individuals, rather than EWP, some of us will be going out with a democracy-meter, asking people if they’re satisfied with our current government and referring them to StopTheTories.vote for guidance about the best way to vote out Danny Kruger. If you’d like to know where we’ll be, or perhaps even run your own democracy-meter, please contact us at hello@eastwiltshireprimary.org

Let’s be clever and vote together

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